Recently, I read many papers & articles about latency, especially tail latency, so this post is served as my notes on my reading.
Latency is a very important metric for a system, because it affects user experience a lot. In distributed system, tail latency is much more important than in sing...
In normal applications, we won’t care much about latency caused by non-IO system calls, because they’re usually very fast, and this is more true for fork(2), since fork(2) in Linux is much more lightweight than most other OSs.
But we met this very problem. The application we’re talking about is ...
这次能去美国逛一圈主要是因为去年参加了Clojure的GSoC。Clojure社区会给每位成功完成GSoC的学生提供赞助参加一些Clojure的会议,包括去年11月的Clojure/conj或这次我参加的Clojure/west,赞助费是从GSoC mentor的stipend收集的,因为Clojure去年有6个学生完成,两个美国学生,四个国际学生,会多分多一些给国际学生,而且有些学生不参加,所以我分得了1.5k刀,之前估算得自己再出些,但是现在看来基本上cover了。
好像其他的组织也会有这样的政策,我知道的另一个就是git,而且他们还在邮件列表里面吵从mentor st...
Note, if you’re a macro guru, you can ignore this post, this is just used to record my learning path to master clojure macro.
Many times, I find myself using format to generate string from string template, and values filled in are always derived from local variables, so I’m wondering if I can us...
In this post I will talk about a simple way to do cache in Clojure application.
I am building an API server in Clojure, a lot of permission check should be done before serving the request, so I abstract it to some kind of ACL checker. Our server is built with ring SPEC, and because I want the AC...
今年对我影响最大的一件事情就是Google Summer of Code。大二就想参加了,但是由于种种原因直到今年才真正参加,从去年十二月就开始在往届项目的idea page上去找感兴趣的项目,二三月联系mentor、提交patch,四月看类型系统的论文,五月开始,八月结束。整个过程耗费了大量的精力和时间,但是收获也是巨大的。
A few month ago, I wrote a Clojure macro, looks like this:
It means if current env is test, then generate normal function, otherwise generate async function and log the error if catched. We need this because when we call some functions, we don’t want to wait them to return, but we still want to ...
最近看了下逻辑编程,据说逻辑编程最牛的是prolog,但是没空再学一门语言了,而且看到clojure中刚好有core.logic的这个库,而且可以拿这个库写《The Reasoned Schemer》中的例子,所以就直接用这个库来学了。
[org.clojure/core.logic "0.8.8"]
user=> (require '[clojure.core.logic :as logic])
user=> (logic/run 1 [x] (logic...